The wierd part of youtube.
This kinda like a scavenger hunt only on youtube, basicly I will link you to a page on YT and you have to get to one of five or so 'safe zones' for example a video about cats or raisins or something only by clicking the recomended videos to the right of the screen.
{link to YT] Okay you have to go from here to a video with raisins or cats in it.
Found it! {link to a video of cats/raisins}
Okay now from there get to a video about cell phones.
And on it goes.
Well I gues I'm first.
Safe zones:
1.Any video with anything to do with Seinfeld or
2.A video of dogs or puppys.
3.Anything to do with coffee.
4.A clip from a movie that is at least ten years old.
5.A commentary of any video game. ei, minecraft, halo, cod.
Here you go and good luck!