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 Empire or Kingdom? 
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Post Empire or Kingdom?
I just though- Galbatorix is a king, but he rules the empire. The definition of "empire" is: "the domain ruled by an emperor or empress". Surely he should rule a kingdom? :|

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September 29th, 2006, 7:00 pm Profile
Black Dragon
Black Dragon
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they just call him a king. an Emporer can have kings under him, but instead of giving that title to anyone, Galby has lords. I dunno. Emporer Galbatorix doesn't sound as good.

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RiderEriel wrote:
Oh wow.. I'm seriously scared of IMNC, I'll give you guys that. (No sarcasm there, I really am LOL)

September 29th, 2006, 9:53 pm Profile
New DragonRider
New DragonRider

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I agree. KING Galbotorix sounds much better.

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September 29th, 2006, 10:03 pm Profile
New Peasant
New Peasant

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Empire is just what they call where he rules. what he rules is a kingdom, but they call it the Empire. it gets confusing, i s'pose. plus, Emperor Galbatorix sounds wierd :P

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