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 [ 2 posts ] 
 The Pain Of War. 
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DragonRider in Training
DragonRider in Training
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Joined: January 26th, 2006, 12:00 am
Posts: 666
Location: No idea.....<.<-->.>....anyone have a map?
Post The Pain Of War.
This is a story i just made up....It's rally late over here in Kansas lol :lol: ...-_-...i'm still up...hmm....oh well...



......This a story about a young draftee of WWII....He is drafted into one of the parachute corps, in D-day...the 501st...He Takes off in his plane to the shores of The Nazi beach head, as a Knowing he was going to be a hero when he makes it out of the conflict....he lands from his jump knowing....he was going to be a hero if He makes it out of the conflict.....He soon learns what war is really like...and what scars it leaves behind....unfortunately these aren't scars off the fleash..


What do you think?

Always love, Hate will get you everytime~i forgot what song said this.....
I'm fairliy certain that 3/4 of my posts come from RPing......>.>

REDWWAAAALLLL!!!!!! *w00t*

June 18th, 2006, 7:17 am Profile
DragonRider in Training
DragonRider in Training

Joined: April 2nd, 2006, 6:50 pm
Posts: 544
Location: Jersey not new jersey THIS ONES BETWEEN England and France
apart from a but of misspelling
e.g fleash instead of flesh
its good
I'd like to read a chapter

we can proove nothing only believe or not believe

the lonewolf by the lone queen
will kill his enemy before he is seen

live is evil, devil is lived
the difference between these 2
is not the d
it begins with c
control aver you

a souls scar unhealed
is forever a battlefield
until the hurt can yield


June 24th, 2006, 10:09 am Profile
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