Here are the forum rules for Saphiraforums.
Follow these rules and your posts won't be modified or removed and your account will not be suspended.
Please be aware that no double accounts are permitted. In the event a route tracking is made and a staff member confirms the existence of a double account (and/or more) the same will be deactivated; if the action is repeated, it may lead to permanent ban of the IP address.
0) Profile
A) Do not put BB code in any of the fields in your profile except for the signature.
B) Do not link to a website that promotes illegal activities or has content for people above the age of 13.
C) All other rules thereafter applies to what you do in your profile also.
D) You should not use bad or inappropriate words in your profile.
i. Inappropriate acronyms are not allowed, nor censored words using the stars (***) to override the censor feature.
1) Posts and topics
A) If you make a topic, you should make sure that there are none others that are the same.
B) You should never post another post on the same topic if the latest message on that topic is yours. You can instead edit your old post to add the new message. You can only double post if there has been a period of 24 hours.
C) i. You should not use bad or inappropriate words in your posts.
ii. Inappropriate acronyms are not allowed, nor censored words using the stars (***) to override the censor feature.
D) You should not talk about politics, religion or theory's of science in any way.
E) You should not do advertising in the forums, but you are allowed to post a link to your website on the World Wide Web section.
F) A worthy reply cannot be phrased in one nor five words. Replies such as, "I agree/disagree with you" is just an example of what we are referring to. This is considered as spamming and will be dealt with accordingly.
G) You should not post on every single topic just to raise your post count under one sub-section. Doing this is annoying to other members and not productive to ongoing discussions.
H) You should not post any picture, cartoon, story, or link that indicates porn or nudity.
I) You should not participate in the talk of sexual practices or innuendos for it is strictly prohibited and you will be banned without a warning.
2) Signatures, Avatars and UsernamesA) Avatars cannot be bigger then 100 pixels by 100 pixels.
B) The avatars should not be inappropriate!
D) Accounts that have inappropriate usernames will be deleted.
E) Signatures with image or text should not expand further then
i: 500 pixels across
ii: 200 pixels down
See appendix for reference of size
F) A valid email address is required to maintain an active account.
G) The use of bad or inappropriate words in your signature or avatar are not allowed
i. Inappropriate acronyms are not allowed, nor censored words using the stars (***) to override the censor feature.
H) All users are allowed ONE requested name change. It is suggested that the user take some time to consider this action, as it will only be performed ONCE.
There are no exceptions, unless there is a spelling mistake or another extenuating circumstance. It is your responsibility to make sure there is no confusing amongst your peers here on the website.
3) Regarding RespectA) People should be able to post their own opinions without people constantly opposing them.
B) Respect also refers to NOT spreading around false things about someone. This is also known as "Gossip" and I am sure everyone agrees that there is enough of this at any school and none is needed here.
C) Be kind, but be yourself unless your normal self is a Jerk. We don't need anymore of those either.
D) Name calling and belittling other member's thoughts, feelings, perspectives and/or opinions are simply not tolerated. Of this too we have more than enough in real life, we do not want or need it here too!
4) Administrators and ModeratorA) The decision of admin/mod is final and should not be questioned in the topics, but you can write to them with the PM system.
B) These people are here to make sure the forums run smoothly; NOT to mince words!
5) Private MessagingA) You should not advertise using the PM system.
B) You should not send messages that apply with rules in regarding Posts and Topics! You could lose your right to send PM messages.
6) CopyrightsA) If you want to use the work of another member you should first ask there permission.
B) All rules and form from can be used, but the person that uses the content needs to give credit to there original poster or
7) Banning and ConsequencesA) If you have been banned in the past, you are not allowed to make a new account. Your account will be deleted. We can track IP’s Regardless.
B) For some offenses you will receive warnings and / or get ban temporally or permanently.
C) Accounts that have been created in the purpose of spamming will be deleted with no warning.
D) Warnings remain in the system for a duration of 6 month after which they are deleted
If you get 3 warnings, you get a ban! - Appendix[/list]