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 Paradise Lost 
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Dragon Egg Carrier
Dragon Egg Carrier

Joined: May 30th, 2006, 5:30 am
Posts: 198
Location: Middle Earth
Post Paradise Lost
“Paradise, only a land dreamed of. Yes, it has been achieved; achieved and always lost. There is no way a sentient being can ever create a utopia. There will always be someone unhappy with it, and in every case that has been the truth. Wars have been started, savages invaded, famine, and countless more misfortunes. There will always be someone unhappy with a utopia so long as sentient beings rule the galaxy. What we can do is make almost everyone happy, or at least content.
“These kinds of situations have always happened. In history their conquerors perished in a short time, whether that is a decade or a few centuries. Not this time. Those standing for freedom and justice could not void the hate behind their demise. In short time, there were only stragglers fighting to get away, or fighting to die. This record is of the greatest loss in all time by any sentient being in hundreds of galaxies. Their will to survive could not undo what was set against them.
“I will not live to see this report out, but I hope that I can save what ever dignity is left so that history may not ever be repeated, and sentient kind will never think of one’s own and only species as superior to another free thinking intelligent race.”

-Planet Rhucon, year 3597 5th Age; recovered year 4665, planet desolated

Life is short TALK FAST!!

May 30th, 2006, 11:12 pm Profile
Dragon Egg Carrier
Dragon Egg Carrier

Joined: June 30th, 2006, 7:13 am
Posts: 256
Location: U.S. North Carolina
hmm i like it

Chaos is my game.
Dragons of black and charchoal wings,
Has a breath of death, they're evil things,
At sunset they arouse and then soon take up flight,
Flying throughout the darkest of night,
Seeing their wounderous bodies soar through the skies,
Searching for a kill with their blood red eyes,
You better hope the dragon has eaten,
He'll fight to the death untill you are beaten,
When daylight breaks he'll fly home to his den,
But beware for nightfall shall come again


July 2nd, 2006, 9:35 pm Profile
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