Re: Help me Build my Web site!!
sid wrote:
well im building my own site too lol
mostly music lol
well the basic thing you need to know, are scripts (at least the basics). example -
html (necessary)
i suggest you ask wolverein for more help.
Actually, you really don't need to know any of these at all. It helps, it really does, but it's not neccessary at all.
To start a message board such at this first you need to find out what provider you want to use. Invision Boards, Zetaboards, PhpBB etc...
After you create a free message board, or a paid one deepending on your provider, a lot of what it takes to create the board is done with a spiffy llittle Admin Control Pannel that they set you up with. To create it, not much script is needed at all.
However, when it comes to some customization some script is required. For instance skins, or themes. If you use Invision, or Zetaboards CSS is required. However, there are a ton of great resource forums out there that you can find that will make skins for you (or you an choose from a ton of pre made ones) Also at these forums you can find some nifty little codes that will add features to your message board.
To create a website from scratch alot of programming language is needed. Whereas, in the web-forum/message board really isn't that neccessary...a big plus, but not neccessary. Also, you will learn a lot as you go.
Next, if you want a banner like Saphiraforums has...I can help you with that, or Firetongue, or any other graphics designer around these parts. Also, at the resource message boards I mentioned earlier people will do graphics requests as well.
If you want to make your own, you can do it with many different programs. GIMP is the best free one, but if you have a couple hundred dollars to fork out Photoshop is great, and some people ever use paint (not reccommended by me at all.)
The biggest advice I can give you in the web forum world is be persistant. Advertise well (
never PM spam people!!) and be a good example, if you expect people to post, post yourself. If you can find an interesting idea to base your board off of, post regularilly yourself, find a dedicated fanbase, and advertise well (and smartly) your site will grow and you will be in for the experience of a lifetime.
Good luck to you