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 [ 4 posts ] 
 How many of these things are we going to start? 
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Green Dragon
Green Dragon

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Post How many of these things are we going to start?
How many rpgs are we gonna keep making without finishing the other? And it's not just in this section, it's in the other one too. I just hate to see people who have already made a Topic keep making others without finishing the other ones first. Don't get me wrong, it's ok sometimes because we have so many ideas but we shouldn't do alot until we've atleast gotten really far in that other rpg. Just me saying what I felt. It also is in Alageasia adventures as well.

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April 10th, 2007, 2:06 am Profile
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That's a stupid thing to say :roll: . People can stop and start RPs whenever they want, who cares? They'll never really finish anyway, will they? They could go on forever.

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April 10th, 2007, 5:38 pm Profile
Expert DragonRider
Expert DragonRider
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As long as they're different, as in, not just repeats or continuations of previous RPs, they're fine. Anyway, some of these RP's get boring after a while anyway.

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April 27th, 2007, 6:14 pm Profile
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Post Re: How many of these things are we going to start?
yeah, some of the rpgs do get boreing, but if u make one and then start a new one.....thats when it gets bad




May 27th, 2007, 10:24 pm Profile
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