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Joined: September 25th, 2006, 4:36 pm
Posts: 2
Post Application.
Requirements to Submit:
Name: Archidal
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Skills: Archery, Fencing, Magic, Smithing
Race: Elf
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Home Village: Ellesmera
Parents: Queen Islanzadi and King Evenstar
Siblings: Older sister Arya
Character Personality: Archidal is very cocky because of his amazing magic skills. He is known to rush into battle. He is also mischevious and disobedient, often following the first thing that comes into his head.
Character History: The younger brother of Arya. When Evenstar died (Arya was 30), he grew angry and vowed revenge on Urgals. Since then, he has been training long and hard to defeat them and will soon be one of the most powerful elf magicians. When the elves decide to go to war, he knows he will be the first to enter the fight. He also found a dragon egg deep in the woods, but very, very few know about it.
Weapons: Gold colored Sword, Urgal horn bow with swan-feathered arrows.
Likes: Food, friends
Dislikes: Urgals
Animal Companions: His dragon Gladiator.
Character's Physical Description: He looks like a typical elf with pointed ears.
Dreams for the Future: To be the leader of the new generation of Riders and to overthrow Galbatorix.
Reason for Dreams: He wants revenge.
Alignment/side: Varden/elves

For dragon riders only:
Dragon Name: Gladiator
Age: 10 months old.
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown
History: Archidal found his egg in the woods. He hides and is self-trained for combat.
Personality: Wise, fearless, brutal.
Colour: Gold
Appearance: He has sharp teeth and claws. He is bulky with strong legs. He has excellent wings. There are horns down his back. An unusual trait that the has is a horn on the tip of his tail.
Armour: (if any) None
Dreams for future: To assist Archidal with his dreams and to live in peace.
Reasons for dreams: He likes Archidal’s companionship.

September 26th, 2006, 4:44 pm Profile
RPG Team Head
RPG Team Head
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Joined: February 6th, 2006, 11:51 pm
Posts: 4527
Location: Dreaming.
Gender: Guy
Affiliation: Lamp Shade
Dragon: DrAgonPhD
longer history and personality plz, and plaz put spaces between characteristics

September 26th, 2006, 11:01 pm Profile
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