Re: Whan am I supposed to do?
Welcome to SaphiraForums
Let me try to answer in the best possible way
-How do I get an avatar?
Well you add it to your profile by going to
ucp.php?i=profile&mode=avatar . You can use any picture has your avatar has long has it follows the SF's rules and it needs to be 100 by 100 pixels.
-How can I join a role-play?
Well first you need to get a character approved. You do this by filling a character bio application at
viewforum.php?f=56 . You just need to follow the read before posting section.
-why do I ask so many questions?
(sorry. couldn't resist.)
Well we like questions
-how do I chat with other people?
Just start posting in the "Come here when you are board" topic.
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=123&start=26115 I guess this is were you will meet most people there.
I'll try to get someone from the rpg team to get you rp question answered
Louis / Alex
SF Admin & Owner