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Joined: August 4th, 2006, 2:40 pm
Posts: 1
Post apliction
Requirements to Submit:
Name: aphelia
Age: 12
Gender: female
Skills: excellent with bow and aroww, fast runner, good with sword, okay with magic.
Race: human
Hair: short stright blonde
Eyes: ceresent dusk blue
Home Village: terim
Parents: were killed before she knew them.
Siblings: none
Character Personality: sneaky, and out going. she can brake into ennywhere. she loves all animals, and every one loves her. she makes friends easy evan though she acts abnormal. she can talk to plants and animlas.
Character History: she ranaway when she was 12 with an dragon egg and raised it. animlas and plants became her compainoins. another dragon rider finds her.
Weapons: bow and arrow , a small knife , and 3 metal fingernails that she can strap onto fight.
Likes: animals, and plants
Dislikes: the king
Animal Companions: a squrile named tilly. and a mouse named sqeek
Character's Physical Description: tall , blonde and really skinny.
Dreams for the Future: to help throw and kill king galbatorix
Reason for Dreams: so she reunite with her parents.

For dragon riders only:
Dragon Name: aiedail
Age: 1 year
Gender: female
History: she was found when aphelia was weeding the pasture
Personality: shy, and sneaky
Colour: bright gold
Appearance: gold, verry fit, has excelent balence and can manuver in the air around thickfrorest in the canopy
Armour: (if any) has dragon armour , found in woods
Dreams for future: to kill the king
Reasons for dreams: he killed her parents

i love to read. amber

August 4th, 2006, 3:25 pm Profile
Expert DragonRider
Expert DragonRider
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Joined: March 11th, 2005, 11:30 pm
Posts: 1986
Location: Glasgow
Affiliation: Dragonriders
after spelling application wrong I doubt I have to say anything

_________________ ... hp?act=idx


Colt 45 and 2 Zigzag

September 13th, 2006, 10:05 pm Profile
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