Name: Ithailian
Age: 20
Gender: male
Skills: fletching, smithing,archerey,swordmenship,and crafmenship
Race: human
Hair: long dirtyblonde
Eyes: skyblue
Home Village: Ceunon
Parents: unknown (dead)
Siblings: 2
Character Personality: a dark lonley character who isn't wanted and his only freinds are his two brothers and animal Companions Fethrblaka and Jierda.
Character History: At the age of two his parents were killed by Galbatorix.Eversence he was able to hold a sword he's been ploting to kill Galbatorix.His two brothers Radien and Raithian they set out at the age of 15(Ithailian),16(Radien),and 18(Raithian).During there quest Ithailian met Jierda,and Fethrblaka.
Weapons: bow&arrows,his elvensword"Gedwey Wyrda" that glows scarlet when their are urgals nearby
Likes: a blazing fire,peace, a nice song or riddle,a good adventure
Dislikes: everything evil
Animal Companions: white hawk,and a large tiger
Character's Physical Description: strong,swift,smart ,and cunning
Dreams for the Future: That Galbatorix is destroyed and all his evil doings along with him
Reason for Dreams: His parents were killed by Galbatorix
Alignment/side: The one that will accept for him who he is.