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 My thoughts on the books to come 
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New Peasant
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Post My thoughts on the books to come
Elva to become next Dragon Rider, Serve under Galbotorix
there's a chance that she will turn to galby out of spite for eragon

I do not think so. She has already said she is 'ambivalant' towards Eragon - as much prepared to love him as hate him. She has also said that she will 'always' remain Saphira's 'faithful servant'. Furthermore, she has already stated she will serve no-one. This dialouge makes it unlikely Elva will turn to Galbotorix.

The Next Dragon Rider
Whoever is to become the next Dragon Rider will need to be in a position where they can come into contact with the Dragon Egg. Obviously Elva is included in this, but isn't it more likely to be someone (like Arya) that might come across the egg in their travels rather than have it bounced about among the Varden?

We are also all presuming that Greeni will take part in the battles to come. Unless He has already hatched for a rider it is extremely unlikely he will become large enough to fight properly in the short period to come. Considering each book has been no more than a week apart, and about 6-12 months in length it took Saphira a year and a bit to be able to hold her own with Thorn - and he had his growth accelerated.

Therefore, my conclusion is that Greeni must have already hatched if he is to take part in the battles to come.

Nasuada, the next Galbotorix?
Has anyone noticed the line in Brisingr following Nasuada's talk with (I believe) Trianna. In her thoughts, she is quoted as saying something like 'Magic was the cause of all their problems. In time she planned to do something about that' (I am looking for the right part of the book to quote now)

Could Nasuada attempt come scheme to stop Magic users from having an effect on the lives of humans? Could she attempt to kill Eragon once Galbotorix is dead to prevent such an occurence happening again?

Although this is highly unlikely, and I cannot think of anyway in which she could do these things due to her nature and liking of Eragon and Arya and other magic users, this line made me think hard.

More to come :)

August 30th, 2010, 9:52 pm Profile
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Post Re: My thoughts on the books to come

As to the next rider, it could actually happen that it isn't hatched. I heard that the book was actually supposed to be about 1000 pages.

As to Nasuada becoming the next Galby, I never thought of that. It is possible, but wouldn't that I don't know. I just think that CP will give us a happy ending. But then again I thought that about Alex Rider too.


September 18th, 2010, 1:01 am Profile
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Post Re: My thoughts on the books to come
What is the point of this topic? There are already others that discuss these things?

Saphi Laana Draerr Brilyn
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September 20th, 2010, 9:23 pm Profile
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Post Re: My thoughts on the books to come
I let it slide because I thought it was a good post, and it can't really fit in another topic at the moment. In the future, elken, please look to insert your views into pre-existing topics, but this is fine for now. If this turns into a generic "next rider" topic, or something of the like, then I will take measures, but for now it's fine in my book. :)

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September 21st, 2010, 12:30 am Profile
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Post Re: My thoughts on the books to come
These are some interesting points. I had never thought about alot of these things. but I do think it might be possible for the egg to hatch in the beggining of the book. if they end up haveing it cover a larger length of time then the others did.

I am the marshmallow king. fear my puffyness!

September 24th, 2010, 7:10 pm Profile
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