This is my bio:
Name: Lara
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Skills: Maths, English, swordfighting, karate and lots of other stuff
Race: Racist are you now. joking. Im white/tanned.
Hair: dark brown , middle length, in the middle of wavy and curly
Eyes: dark brown
Home Village: dont wanna tell
Parents: Lawyer and Fashion designer
Siblings: 3 sisters and 1 brother
Character Personality: Sarcastic, annoying, I may as well not continue unless i wanna scare you off.
Character History: Nothing bad, Im not in the rebelion stage
Weapons: Im not allowed any, im only 11
Likes: hockey, debating, karate, computer, internet.
Dislikes: television, annoying people, stupidity
Animal Companions: none, they all died.
Character's Physical Description: well, i used to do karate, i was like the only girl there and now i have muscle. stomach muscle, same muscel on the arm, thigh muscle, leg muscle.
Dreams for the Future: I want to become a lawyer
Reason for Dreams: You get alot of money!
Alignment/side: dont really understand what you mean
With this whole bio, whats it actually for?