OK i'll answer ur question just don't act like maddest evil be patient it's not just u that having problems!
oops, it’s already edited by Louis
A. Get the Pic
1. Open google search for picture only
2. search for anything, i.e. dragon, rainbow, candybar, valentine, christmas, horse, flower etc etc
3. Click on the image u like and get a full picture
4. Save on ur PC documents under JPEG format, i.e. dragon1
B. Add some words
1. Open microsoft paint and open dragon1
2. Add text
3. Save under different name i.e. dragon2, still on JPEG format
1. Open microsoft word and click INSERT -> PICTURE -> From File -> browse for dragon1 -> insert
2. Right click on the image -> format picture -> layout -> choose "behind text"
3. click INSERT -> PICTURE -> Word Art -> chose one of them, type your name
4. Right click on the image -> format word art -> layout -> choose "behind text"
5. While pressing Shift button click both on the word and the image -> release the shift button
6. Press ctrl + C (it’s the command to copy things)
7. Open Microsoft paint -> EDIT -> paste
8. If the page is too wide u can always reduce it by putting your mouse pointer on the edge of page and drag it.
9. Save under different name, i.e. dragon2 on JPEG format
C. How to Resize your Image
1. Open Adobe Photoshop, or ACDsee, or Microsoft Photo Editor, or anything, click on IMAGE -> “resize” or “image size”.
2. It must not more than 100 pixel x 100 pixel and not bigger than 45 Kb.
3. Save under different name, still on JPEG/JPG format, i.e. dragon3
4. Remember if u don’t wish to add words u can skip section B and straight reduce ur image.
D. Open your profile in saphiraforums and on “Upload Avatar from your machine” dialog click browse and open dragon3. There! Your own fresh baked avatar!! Good luck! (If u want to put picture on your signature it’s a bit different though.)