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 sister?brother?relative or no relative? 
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New Peasant
New Peasant

Joined: June 23rd, 2008, 3:14 am
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Post sister?brother?relative or no relative?
does saphira have any relatives besides her father?like brothers or sisters.
i don't think she was born just as a single wyrmling(baby dragon).

July 10th, 2008, 4:03 am Profile
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Post Re: sister?brother?relative or no relative?
No one knows as CP hasnt said anything in any of his books yet. So no one can truly answer your qeution.

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July 27th, 2008, 7:35 am Profile
Peasant Elder
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Post Re: sister?brother?relative or no relative?
she had to be a single wyrmling cause if she wasnt' then she'd have found out about siblings

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October 20th, 2008, 5:50 pm Profile
Peasant Elder
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Post Re: sister?brother?relative or no relative?
Hmm...she might not have found out about any other siblings, although she knew the names of both her parents, but I don't really know how she found that out.




October 21st, 2008, 12:55 am Profile
Red Dragon
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Post Re: sister?brother?relative or no relative?
all dragons are her relatives....because dragons all share some special link whether they are blood related or not.....which they pretty much all are blood related cuz they all came from one male dragon and one female dragon.

i've decided to keep this section open for my last everyone dies schemes:

eragon dies lonely, saphira cries acidic tears on thorn who dies, and as he is dying accidentally claws murtagh to death, whose sword shoots out and stabs arya, who dies and curses "brisingr" as she's dying, accidentally setting islanzadi on fire, who curses galby, who dies, and shruikan dies of a heart attack from the shock of all, and ants rule the world! then termites eat the ants and termites rule the world!

this is it...===> viewtopic.php?f=61&t=7823

October 27th, 2008, 7:56 pm Profile
Dragon Egg Carrier
Dragon Egg Carrier
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Post Re: sister?brother?relative or no relative?
it's actualy likely seeing as dragons live so long. if so the brother/sister(s) probaly
A.died in the fall
B. is thorn
C. is the green dragon

please click these eggs if you dont they die the same with the little dragons


October 27th, 2008, 9:36 pm Profile
Red Dragon
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Post Re: sister?brother?relative or no relative?
yeah, something like that. basically, saphira has/had relatives.

i've decided to keep this section open for my last everyone dies schemes:

eragon dies lonely, saphira cries acidic tears on thorn who dies, and as he is dying accidentally claws murtagh to death, whose sword shoots out and stabs arya, who dies and curses "brisingr" as she's dying, accidentally setting islanzadi on fire, who curses galby, who dies, and shruikan dies of a heart attack from the shock of all, and ants rule the world! then termites eat the ants and termites rule the world!

this is it...===> viewtopic.php?f=61&t=7823

October 27th, 2008, 11:58 pm Profile
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