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Dragon Egg Carrier
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Post Shosetsu
First things first, no, my real name is not shosetsu so no funny ideas ok? In japanese, it means fiction, so it's my imaginary self.

Name: Shosetsu (last name unknown. )

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Skill: Shape shifting ball= a shape shifting ball is located on Shosetsu's right palm that can shapeshift at will and takes the form of Shosetsu's imagination. The balls are formed from pure imagination that takes shape in Shosetsu's hands. It apparently also defies logic sinse when the item it turns into is disassembled, it's always empty inside. It can also turn into things like soda cans, food, ect, so hunger is never much of a problem for Shosetsu. Also, the ball can be tossed/pushed into other objects to alter them as well with Shosetsu needing to touch them, however his control is far more limited of them. Finally, it can also make items come from nowhere, such as a staircase, ect. It can also be used to propel items/ bodies of people among the path imagined if the ball is plunged into that item. So, if Shosetsu were to plunge the ball into himself, he could fly (at the same speed he is imagining himself flying) among the directed path he is imagining. This also allows himself to teleport, but it's extremely troublesome to teleport sinse he can leave parts of people's bodies. It's two flaws are as follows: One; it could only alter one item at once, and while it can be divided to alter more objects at once, it would be less powerful or it would only cause the item to transform halfway. The exception is if it divided on Shosetsu's hand so making twin crossbows (rofl) that were in Shosetsu's hands would still be at full power. Also, when putting the orb into himself or someone else, he has to focus on what he intend to do so that he doesn't wander off. If he were to think of something like suicide, then it'd be all to likely to happen.

Rages= it's very rare for Shosetsu to fall under one of his rages, but when he does, he can perform physical/mental feats that people would rarely do. His strength and stamina would increase tenfold, and he would literally obliterate his surroundings. He hasn't had a rage however for two years. However, there is a difference between Shosetsu's being pumped and rages. Shosetsu has three stages of combat, with each one having a various fighting style. 1. Bored stage= often fights as though he were drunk and often flails around with his arms, purposely shoots in random angles, ect. He's often in this stage at the beggining of a fight. He also reverts to this stage when tired. Works against foes due to eratic movements that can quickly turn into serious attacks. 2. Pumped stage= most common stage Shosetsu is in. He reaches this stage once he has hit someone several times or has been hit by something. Often characterized by laughter and looking like he's having fun while fighting despite being hit. He fights in this stage with proper hits in a freestyle mixed with some martial arts fashion, varying from slaps to claws to punches and extremely high kicks that often aim for the head. Often charges into opponents at intense speed to catch them off gaurd and attacks relentlessly. Tries to attack from all sides to corner opponent. 3. Rage stage= again, the most uncommon stage. Upon entering this stage, his fighting style becomes an all out freestyle that can be damaging due to the intense speed and power he is excuting it at. His power is far stronger than when he's even pumped up and he often overpowers his opponent with pure force and speed than tactics. Like's to use fingers in a claw-like shape, grasping skin and scratching.

Ability to transcend planes: he has the ability to transcend the planes of exsistance as he pleases but is forced to stay on this plane until he finds an ally willing to go up the planes with him.

Race: human (what else >.<)

Hair: black, slightly spikey. It oddly doesn't go down when you put it into the water

Eyes: brown, but in a shade close to black

home: higher plane of exsistance

Parents: n/a, dead from war

Siblings: n/a, dead from war

Character Personality: He has twin personalities but is in no way bipolar. He tend to be outwardly quiet, shy, and even anti-social at times however in the inside, he's extremely energetic and has several strange outburts. He's also quite eccentric, obsessing over tiny details and things a child would find interesting such as bubbles and shiny things. He's also capable of comprehending complicated vocabulary due to him being a bookworm and reading the dictionary. He's also slightly a pyromaniac, loving to burn things on the slightest whim. He's also addicted to sugary things, particularly soda, so he's often holding a soda can in his hand at times. He tends to be sloppy in his work and living conditions, however he could be considered slightly more neat that most slobs. He takes defeat with tact and random cuteness, often admiting the other person was the winner before forfeiting or giving the impression he did "suicide" although he is still living. He tends to say things like nuuuuuuuu, or other messed up versions of words. He also acts like a child/cat at times, rubbing his head excessively on items, ect. Tends to do things in over-dramatic ways or going beyond what is neccesary such as slashing a body despite it being dead. He has gone through depression and therapy and that has affected him in ways yet to be seen. Also is a pessimist.

Character History: Shosetsu came from a higher plane of exsistence above alegasia that the people of Alegasia refer to as the "realm of gods and angels". In actuality however, it is in no way a heavenly form of exsistance but simply alegasia inhabited by beings with what the people of alegasia refer to as "godly powers". However, to the inhabitants of this plane of exsistance, raining fire down from the sky is completly common place and performed daily. They are also technologically advanced compared to the lower alegasia, having technology compareable to today's technology. Shosetsu lived in this somewhat utopian society, but all good things must come to an end. Soon, the people of this plain of exsistance began to abuse thier powers, and as the months past, a full on war between three groups of citizens ravaged the land and the people. Shosetsu belonged to a group called the "three lotuses", the only group of the three that sought to attempt to restore the plane of exsistance to it's prior state. Seeking help from a possible lower plane of exsistance, Shosetsu was sent to Alegasia to attempt to search for a possible source of power. However, as he descended down the plains of exisistance, his power was handicapped, and he stopped on the plain where Galbatorix and the dragon riders were on due to the loss of moving through the plane if he went down one more. He now seeks to find potential allys.

Weapons: Aside from the orb, he has a formal martial arts training, but he wasn't too good at it and doesn't resort to it often. He is although, able to do cartwheels and can land softly on item when trying. He tends to listen to music in battle and oftentimes attacks in beat with the music. He has a special system where he hits the person on every note and the high or lower the pitch is, affects the strength of the attack, as well as the volume.

Likes: - sugar, cushions (due to how the boat was entirely made of wood and nothing soft to sleep/stand/sit on), fruit

Dislikes: - bitter items, people who hate things for random reasons that make no sense, arrogant people, propaganda.

Animal Companions: none at the moment

Character's Physical Description: Shosetsu has black hair, near black eyes, acne on his face that never seems to go away. He's about 5.3 ft and of slight build. He insists he's fat although he's not too thick. He has tan skin that seems to be sunburn resistent because he never seems to get one at the beach, even without sunblock. His foot size is about 11, and his hands are big reletive to other people or his size. He wears a light blue, short sleeve, cotton shirt, and dark blue polyester shorts. He has a watch with some blue triming on his left wrist, and on his right is an blue ipod nano inside a workout band that is also normally located below the silver ball.

Dreams for the Future: find a potential ally

Reason for Dreams: to help finish the war on his plane of exsistance.

Alignment/side: tends to remain neutral as he is not picky of whether the ally he finds is good or evil since they will kill the ally to prevent betrayal.

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

Last edited by neku on February 17th, 2009, 1:04 am, edited 7 times in total.

December 25th, 2008, 4:55 pm Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
OK, I did not know it was like this.

The Shruikan forums and Saphira forums are completely different entities. They are the same world, just different mediums. You can't say this person came from the Shruikan Forums, because there is no such thing in Alagaesia. So, your history needs to be altered.

I like the concept of the balls. Just remember, you cannot, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, make guns. That will give you far too much power in the world, and will result in GMing that will seriously anger most, if not all, of us.

The data manipulation ability. Change the wording--there is no "data" in Alagaesia. Also, you cannot raise people from the dead. That was a ground rule in magic established in the first book, and it willl not be broken. I like the idea of manipulating the earth, though--that will give him power, but not an excessive amount.

Seperate your abilities so they are their own "parts." Don't make it all one paragraph, as that will get confusing for us.

Make your history more realistic. Establish where he came from (not the Shruikan Forums) within the world of Alagaesia, and explain why he gained the silver balls, which seem to be his source of true power. It can be magic, Shade possession, anything.

They don't have to be your real parents. Just make up names. Have fun with it. Also, everybody has a home village, unless he was a nomad, in which case you will say that.

Your likes and dislikes cannot be RL things. Once you set up a real history, you can deduce what your character truly likes and dislikes. Also, all characters have a dream and a reason for them.

The key to having a real character is to be imaginative. Set up a real history, then just go with the flow from there. Trust me--if a character is just yourself in the RPing world, you will get bored with him, guaranteed.

"The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender the will to change and experience life. But options are before you; choose one and dedicate yourself to it. The deeds will give you new hope and purpose."
"The only true guide is your heart. Nothing less than its supreme desire can help you."
"Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now."
"You give more of yourself when you have an opponent."
"People, sheep: what difference is there to a dragon?"
"I am not a hatchling. You need not check on my health every few minutes."

First beware Pride, lest belief in ones might--Has you discount the foeman who is braving your sight.

December 26th, 2008, 4:54 am Profile
Dragon Egg Carrier
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Post Re: Shosetsu
O.o rofl, that's alot of issues. I actually was considering about editing it more but then I read that. Let me try to explain myself O.o:

the thing about shruikan and saphira forums: What I meant was is that alegasia does exsist at all O.o The characters within "aleagasia" (which to me would be either shruikan or saphira forums) think their in they're own world that they've exsisted all their life, but to me, it's just a computer entry. It's kind of like the basis of eternal sonata which is a video game I play. It's the dream of Frederic Chopin just as he's beggining to die, and while he knows it a dream (at least, as far as I've gone through it), he still goes along with it and the characters of the dream believe that chopin's "dream" is the real world, while in fact the "real world" shows that chopin is sleeping/dying in paris.

About the gun making...the whole purpose I suggested guns is because: 1. I've always wanted to shoot durza silly XD and 2. It would give a sense of foriegness to the other character of "alegasia". Besides, while I have guns, I've never said that I have supreme accuracy.

data manipulation: the data thing wsa explained in paragraph one. As for raising the dead, I just put it as an action, but that doesn't mean that I will/WANT (blah, raising people from the dead makes me mad. I'm using "makes me mad" instead of certain words) to raise people from the dead. Also, I still technically can raise people (again, doesn't mean I want to) sinse data manipulation doesn't count as magic

O.o I'll try adding some spaces. I think one of the rp admins at dragon arts got at me with that too.

Depends...idk how to integrate parents name into the current history and the home village COULD be considered a forest or something sinse that'll be my characters "starting point" within "alegasia".

The reason my history may seem...different...than other applications is mainly due to the fact that my character focuses on foriegness, that he is not part of the medival theme. Once I fix his appearence section, it'll be a bit more clear. As for the silver balls, I'm just assuming that they came with integrating into "alegasia" although I'll put that in if you want.

and again, with the whole foriegness thing, obviously my likes and dislikes will be different from most characters within the rp world, however I will make them a bit more universal...

I hope this showed my reasoning between making such an character. Is it acceptable with this reasoning?

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

December 27th, 2008, 1:44 am Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
With a different type of RPing I would definitely allow this, but unfortunately I cannot accept this kind of character into this RPG. As interesting a concept as this is, it will not work within our world as we have made it. (Also, for what gaming device is that game for?)

Guns are strictly forbidden here, as the power they wield is immense and it would quickly alter the land that is Alagaesia. A suggestion to make it legal would be to make a crossbow-like device which can reload quickly via magic.

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December 27th, 2008, 6:35 am Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
...O.o this calls for drastic action then... *begins the editing process*

EDIT: but yeah, still, you guys are taking the guns thing seriously O.o I only meant to use it as an example sinse I use that most of the time in other rps.

EDIT (yet again): oh yeah, the game is for the xbox 360 which came out 2 years ago (counting new years by the time you read this) and the ps3 which came out on sept. I think. Anyways, can I at least keep the history cause I want my character to be unique, not just some run-of-the-mill fantasy elf (stupid elves >.>)

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

December 27th, 2008, 10:28 pm Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
Hmmm... there was supposed to be more to my previous post... Ah well, most of it was addressed anyway. Thank you about changing the guns though.

I like what you've done with the shape shifting ball though, that'd be quite interesting in a few situations I can imagine. :D
Actually, I don't think there is too much more. Just your history, maybe if you added a few things about what your character has been through in "the other universe" of Alagaesia to account for a few of their quirks.

For though I move on, I will always remember you I-L-S.
Keralin and Aelir, (And Keralin's past)
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December 27th, 2008, 11:44 pm Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
...exactly what quirks are you talking about? I mean...I'll put in some info on why it's different in Saphira compared to Shruikan but...idk if that's what you want

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

December 28th, 2008, 1:52 am Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
By quirks I mean a few things that have changed your character from what he was to begin with to what he is now. My character Keralin for one has developed many new quirks, when he began he was quiet and reserved content to battle when called to. Now he talks and can even tap into the power of his own essence, or soul if you will. So what has changed your character when it was in Shruikan forums?

For though I move on, I will always remember you I-L-S.
Keralin and Aelir, (And Keralin's past)
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December 28th, 2008, 9:01 am Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
nothing actually...I edited the character bio from the original Shrukan bio due to time away from rping so as all people change with time, so did Shosetsu sinse he spends time away from the world of alegasia unlike most...does that answer your question?

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

December 28th, 2008, 3:37 pm Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
Unfotunately yes. People have to spend some time in alagaesia otherwise it's not the land changing them which is what this RPG calls for.

For though I move on, I will always remember you I-L-S.
Keralin and Aelir, (And Keralin's past)
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December 29th, 2008, 8:59 am Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
...this is going nowhere.... Anyways, what I meant was that sinse Shosetsu didn't spend too much time in Alegasia, he wasn't affected too much. (I litterally didn't get alot of rp time in Shruikan because a few months after we started, it stopped because our main antagonist had to leave for military duty O.o)

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

December 30th, 2008, 12:38 am Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
OK. Good changes to the skills, especially in regards to the silver balls. They can definitely fit into the world now. Just take out that last part in their description--it's kinda useless to state what they can't do.

As for the history, I think I have thought of something that can help you preserve the basic intent of the history and still fit in with our requirements.

Shosetsu came from a land (you make the name) beyond the borders of Alagaesia--let's say the east, just for kicks. He was loved by many until he discovered his ability to wield the silver "imagine" balls. The people grew fearful of him and his abilities, and exiled him. From there, he found his way to Alagaesia and wishes to build a new life here where he could hopefully be accepted.

Obviously, this is a truncated version and much more needs to be added. However, this base will fit our standards, and it will give him a dream: to rebuild his former life. Something to think about.

"The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender the will to change and experience life. But options are before you; choose one and dedicate yourself to it. The deeds will give you new hope and purpose."
"The only true guide is your heart. Nothing less than its supreme desire can help you."
"Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now."
"You give more of yourself when you have an opponent."
"People, sheep: what difference is there to a dragon?"
"I am not a hatchling. You need not check on my health every few minutes."

First beware Pride, lest belief in ones might--Has you discount the foeman who is braving your sight.

December 30th, 2008, 9:01 pm Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
O.o I guess that's something...............I'll just get some random anime name and put it's gonna feel awkard for me though O.o

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

December 30th, 2008, 9:05 pm Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
Meh, I'll go with just about any name as long as it cannot be interpreted as something offensive.

For though I move on, I will always remember you I-L-S.
Keralin and Aelir, (And Keralin's past)
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December 31st, 2008, 6:56 am Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
..I am on the verge of canceling this application.....anyways, it's edited...

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

January 1st, 2009, 5:20 pm Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
Well done! The history is a real history now!

The only other thing I have a problem with is the dream. "Survival" is a dream, technically, but it's... blah. Now, based on your characters history, I would suggest that you add as a dream "To return home." However, this is not required as, once again, survival is a real dream, just a bland one.

Also, since your character seems to have evil intentions... mind you, this is based solely off of the "with a vengeance" bit at the end of your history... you should make him evil, or at the very least suspicious of everybody. Make your decision concerning this, and edit your personality as needed. However, the evil/suspicious part can be got rid of by just deleting the "with a vengeance" part. Your decision.

Once these changes are made, it is accepted by me. Good work on the history! You have my congratulations, Saphira :D -hater

"The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender the will to change and experience life. But options are before you; choose one and dedicate yourself to it. The deeds will give you new hope and purpose."
"The only true guide is your heart. Nothing less than its supreme desire can help you."
"Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now."
"You give more of yourself when you have an opponent."
"People, sheep: what difference is there to a dragon?"
"I am not a hatchling. You need not check on my health every few minutes."

First beware Pride, lest belief in ones might--Has you discount the foeman who is braving your sight.

January 7th, 2009, 5:10 am Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
rofl, you didn't get what I meant by that. What I meant was that if he ever went back there, he'd start killing random people for revenge, but I didn't mean to make him evil. Still, yeah, I need to change that dream...

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

January 7th, 2009, 9:07 pm Profile
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Post Re: Shosetsu
I overhauled the old character history with something that I think is a bit better and changed the dreams and stuff. I only did a skim with my main focus on the history so I don't know whether or not I need to edit it or more.

"Only by letting other people into our worlds, can we find new ways to be ourselves", Yoshira Kiryu aka Joshua from TWEWY
"Do what you want, when you want, how you like it."Mr. Hanekoma, TWEWY
"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

February 17th, 2009, 1:06 am Profile
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