Ok, yes, thank you!
I have some other question..
1) What is the Outbox ?
2) If the Inbox/Sentbox/etc are full, what are the maximum capasity? How many post can each box hold?
3) For example when I send a message via e-mail, it showed it size as KB. What is the system here, filling the box capacity only by posts amount or by the posts length too?
4) Sometimes I pressed "submit" after write a new post but just then my internet connection gets low, so then the page turn "Cannot Find Server" so I need to click 'Back' button. But because it's happen again and again sometimes I quit trying. But the weird thing is, I think, I received a reply from the member I was trying to send the message to! Is that possible or I just imagining things??
Sorry to bothering you with the questions.. Or if you can refer to some address on the forum maybe I missed this kind of information, I'll be very grateful.