I know im proly gona be writing this alot but what the heck
Fallow these steps and you should do fine.
1- click on my egg or somone elses (in our signature or some have posted in text)
2- you will then come up with a screen showing 5 eggs choose the one you want.
3- next highlight(by left clicking and holding) the bbs code(one to the right below your chosen egg)
right click and select 'copy'.
it is longer then the box shown so scroll up and down to see if youv got all of it highlighted
4- once it is all highlighted go to your profile in saphirafourms scroll down to your signature(sign for short) and paste it.
5- (optional) for more then one egg fallow the steps again but make sure you dont go over 300 characters(limit)
It should then show up in all the posts you have prevesly made and one you will make in the future.
(Unless you change it)