dark dragon
RPG Team
Joined: August 21st, 2006, 9:28 pm Posts: 8122 Location: I don't know, how could you expect me to when it was you who brought me here!
Gender: Guy
Affiliation: Dragonriders
Dragon: Avadius
Name: Archayac
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Fusion ~ He can amass a great deal of power to fuse two objects of people together. If he fuses two people he has to get both parties permission. At any time the two can separate if they wish. With fusion he can create massive weapons for one, and make one's strength even more deadly. Fusing does take much energy, but it allows him to build massive structures or weapons. When he fuses people, it combines them to one interdict with two minds that work together. They take the best characteristics of each person.
Race: Gryphon
Hair: Is feathers are a light gold though those on his wings grow to a brownish color. The color of his hind counters which is of a lion is slightly darker than his golden feathers.
Eyes: Deep brown
Home Village: None, his family were mostly nomadic
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Character Personality: Archayac is fun loving and simply just likes to enjoy life. Like most in his family he hates fighting, but will fight to the death if to defend one he loves. Family, at least from where he is from, simply means the entire tribe. He never knew his birth parents, and though he loves his culture and tribe, he hates the fact all younglings are taken away from their parents to be raised by the whole community. Most of his life he was spoiled, or at least very rich in gryphon society. His 'official' parents were surprisingly the tribe's leaders and such he inherited their social rank. Unlike them though, he openly cared for those who were less off and would often aid them in any way possible. Every month the tribe would move to another area, following pray or simply wanting to rest in a new location. The constant traveling had always got on his nerves, but no one dared to question the social order, other than himself. He didn't mind exploring, he loved it and seeing new places, but he wanted to have a real place to call home. Being the 'official' child of the tribe leaders he was acquitted for his questions, but many in the tribe were openly angry with him for questioning their beliefs. Many had even tried to assassinate him. Though he tries not to hold grudges, at times he cannot help. He tries his best to forgive everyone, even though his forgiveness sometimes bites him on the butt.
Character History: Born to a nomadic gryphon tribe, he like all the other new hatchlings was taken away from his parents to be raised by the whole tribe. As custom, his official parents were chosen by a tournament, which for the first time in generations, the tribe elders took part in. The two one Archayac as their son. Though he was their 'official' son, he was still raised like the rest of the young gryphons in a large movable house. As he was old enough to understand he unlike most hated it. He hated the fact they never got to know anyone along with their nomadic life style since he yearned for a home of his own. On asking his parents, they shot him down, saying this was their way of life. The tribe was no for sometimes even killing those who resented their way of life. Eventually with his so called revolutionary ideas, he was chased from the tribe. He didn't mind too much, though he knew he'd miss them. Eventually he found a ship and passed over the ocean to the strange land of Alagaesia. Though he didn't like living as a nomad, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to explore the strange new world so at once he stared out to see what there was to be saw.
Weapons: Nothing much other than his teeth, claws, and fusion power.
Likes: Exploring, friends, and a home
Dislikes: Evil, crowded spaces
Weakness / Fear: That someone he loves will be hurt.
Animal Companions: None
Character's Physical Description: As all gryphons, his upper is that of an eagle and his upper body that of a lion. His wing span just like the rest of his body is massive. His feathers often shine a brilliant gold in the sun. His beak is harder than rock and can split just about everything. His brown eyes are shaped exactly like an eagle only they are much larger. His front leg are more eagle than lion, with the center claw perched up like a raptor's.
Dreams for the Future: To explore Alagaesia and make friends.
Reason for Dreams: He likes to explore.
Alignment/side: None so far, but he is on the side of good.
_________________ Good: Equinox Eris/Galedrim Aaron Ephidel Tvashtar Savania Incendia Radenya Zeuk Quasar Nainocaro Alex Archayac Sahara
Neutral: Snare
Evil: Crimson Dsurion Demondred "Destroyer of Hope" Solstus "Dragon of the Night"
Let your spirit flow in each and everyone one of us and may we bask in your forgiveness, love, and mercy.