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 Hero Haven 
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Expert DragonRider
Expert DragonRider
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Post Hero Haven
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Hero Haven
By: Hayden Blowers

To my cousin Dan for teaching me to be myself.


Hero Haven, where heroes are born. Hero Haven has been the birthplace of many a hero spanning throughout all of Dandoria’s history. In Hero Haven you will take place in learning these mandatory classes, history, reading and writing, physical training, science, and horse back riding. You will also be allowed to choose any three of these six classes, magic, weapon training, magical pet upbringing, survival, and weapon and armor making.
Magic is where you will learn to use the many arts of magic, how to read spells, make your own potions, and fashion your own spell components and wands. Weapon training is where you will learn to use and master the many various types of weapons, swords, axes, spears, bows, clubs, etc. Magical pet upbringing is where you will learn to raise your own creature of magic, the most popular being the dragon, the gryphon, the phoenix, and the salamander. Survival is the class where you will learn to survive in the wild. Weapon and armor making is the class where you will be taught to be your very own blacksmith in times of need.
Many students who graduate from Hero Haven are either selected to continue their training at the magical rider institute, or immediately chosen to join the Argoth Reluthium, a secret policing organization who has defended Dandoria in great times of need.
If you are interested in joining our prestigious school then fill our your application, and visit the interview grounds at Dandoria’s capital Opros with all of your cloths and 20 gold.

Chapter one
The first day

Name: Kandra Wind
Age: 15
Hometown: Baler
Parents: Gorren and Jela Wind
Race: Human
Past occupations: Was a farm worker and a Stable boy at Baler
Chosen Classes: magic, weapon training, magical pet upbringing
Past awards: None
Past arrests: None
Past schools: None

Kandra walked up to the door at the training grounds. The door was huge and made of oak wood and the knocker on it was a large lead Gryphon holding a ring in it’s mouth. Kandra reached for the knocker and tried to lift it. It was exceptionally heavy and Kandra had to strain to lift it. The knocker hit the door with a loud crack and the door slowly creaked open. It stopped once it was just open enough for him to fit through comfortably Kandra stepped through.
He walked into a dark room that was a dome and the roof had a large hole in the top cut in th shape of a perfect circle. An old man stood where the sunlight shown. He was a tall but muscular man (at least that is how he looked from under all the many layers of elegant, red and purple clothing he wore). He had a mustache that rolled down his cheeks down his neck to his collar bones and his eyebrows where thin and dark, despite all his other hair being brown. The man also had a pair of spectacles that he wore at the tip of his nose and he wore a hat that slumped to one side.
“Come” he boomed as the door shut behind Kandra. He hurried over to the man and the until the man said “stop”. He walked over to Kandra and crouched down so he was at eye level with Kandra. He stared into Kandras eyes and asked in a raspy voice “Do you have your application?” Kandra reached into his pack and pulled out a scroll. “Here it is.” he said handing the parchment to the tall man.
“You are from Baler? I have a cousin in Baler. I see you want to learn magic. You do know that not everyone can learn magic don’t you?”the man said. “Yes I do.” Kandra mumbled back. “Well then let us see if you are one of the few lucky ones.” the man said. He grabbed a stone out of a bag hanging off of his belt. “I want you to concentrate on this stone and say leito ligto, okay?” Kandra grabbed the stone and stared at it hard. He held it in his flat palm and finally squeaked “leito ligto” The stone shimmered and then went dull. “Well I am sorry son but...” his voice trailed of as the stone suddenly produced a blinding light that made the man have to cover his eyes with his large arms. “That was incredible!” The man said taken aback. I can see you are more than ready to use magic. You pass the inspection, all you need to do now is pay us your twenty gold pieces.” Kandra pulled out the gold and handed it to the man. “My name is Orgos by the way, and welcome to Hero Haven. All you need to do now is jump into the carriage and wait to be taken to Hero Haven.
Kandra walked out the doors and found an elegant carriage waiting for him. He walked up and climbed in. Inside he found a very plush and padded seat.
Kandra lifted his head from the side of the seat he was laying in as the cabby yelled “Now entering Hero Haven.” Kandra looked out the window and saw at least fourteen other carriages in front of his. Most of the other ones where full of people and Kandra wondered why he got to ride alone.
The cab passed through a large iron gate and then continued down a gravel path. Kandra watched as he passed students.

Yeah I play the drums and I'm good at it to!
Rock on!

May 6th, 2006, 1:41 am Profile
Dragon Egg Carrier
Dragon Egg Carrier

Joined: June 30th, 2006, 7:13 am
Posts: 256
Location: U.S. North Carolina
hmm i like it

Chaos is my game.
Dragons of black and charchoal wings,
Has a breath of death, they're evil things,
At sunset they arouse and then soon take up flight,
Flying throughout the darkest of night,
Seeing their wounderous bodies soar through the skies,
Searching for a kill with their blood red eyes,
You better hope the dragon has eaten,
He'll fight to the death untill you are beaten,
When daylight breaks he'll fly home to his den,
But beware for nightfall shall come again


July 2nd, 2006, 10:07 pm Profile
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