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 Works of Art 
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Post Works of Art
There has been so much crap in this section that you might want to read this first before you post or ill just straight out ban you for trying to compare the books to something that doesn't and can't be compared to or to people who think they can write the books better.

Works of Art

The first rule in criticizing any book, movie, music or other works of art including things on the internet regardless is if you can write or make this better....... Then why didn't you in the first place?

Even if you have read thousands of books and you like certain books over others because it is your preference, this does not mean that it could have been written better or written worse and had the same effect. It was written what it was at the time for good reason. Writing is a story line that a lot of the things that go into the writing are off the basis of the writers thoughts and feelings at that certain point in their life experiences. If everything were to be edited to your liking and compared to the best writers in the world then all stories would be the same and nothing would be even remotely unique. Just think about it

Eragon was an amazing book with the character Depth and the detail that was given to the point that you weren’t bored with the fast moving pace after the Raz'ac come.

CP's Writing did improve in the second book. It didn't get worse. You have to remember who is writing the is not you the criticizer but the writers thoughts your reading. If you have a problem with it.......then why didn't you write it first? seriously. I bet if you were to write a book it would be a disaster. There is so much that goes into projects like this that to write like this is a gift from birth not anyone can do it WELL out of no where. Also if everything were explained then it would be a never ending book. The reason I say that is because everyone finds things they wished were explained better, but none of these are in the same spot for the most part except for maybe a few. Since everyone that reads this book is drawing meaning out of the text in different ways based off their different life experiences of what they know....nothing can truly be criticized without it being just grammar rules. He can write what he wants. Some like it some don't. It is all preference.

Also when you read the first book it was new to your mind. When you read the second book it was not. In the first book you were just amazed. In the second book you got bored and had nothing better to do, but pick it apart. Also why everything just so happens to flow at there figure tips is because the story must go on! Not everyone likes Romanticism or Realism writing where everything happens normally and everyone ends up dying because they are not so fortunate. I hope you see what I am saying.

"You have to remember nothing is original. Not even The Lord of the Rings was completely original. Ideas of types of literature were made long ago and to this day are used in common themes. Literature that was written long ago was based upon the types of writings people liked to read back then...the Type of writing may have faded out for the time but it was never gone completely. All ideas in writing aren’t completely original and most are borrowed from so many others. There are only so many ways you can write a conflict in a story. It is the setting and characters and emotions shown by their individual personalities and the scenarios that are created that can be different from book to book and writer to writer. What Chris has done with his ideas is truly amazing though. His writing; like he says holds one of the types of literature our new generations enjoy to read the most and that is " The coming of age type of stories" Literature themes like Romanticism and Realism are just examples of types of writing themes that have come in and faded out, but not completely. I enjoyed Eragon and Eldest so much that I have read them several times and “Book talked” his books to so many people. It feels good to give him the recognition he deserves for his great accomplishment of writing a wonderful amazing book at 15 years of age."

Even with everything that I have said above, I appreciate your differing viewpoint/perspective. We grow through self-analysis and reflection, and it is good to thoroughly look at other peoples' work. It is always easier to point out weaknesses; we are trained to do so from the beginning of our lives. I encourage all to look at the strong points and if you are to take a condescending view, do it with the understanding that for your complaints to have merit, you will have to accomplish the same feats as the source, in this case the author. Once you have published your own books and placed your writing/ideas in the public eye for all manner of criticism, then you can legitimately criticize those that are now your peers. Thank you for your view, it only makes my appreciation stronger.


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Last edited by HitNRunner on July 18th, 2006, 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

June 28th, 2006, 6:56 pm Profile
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I dissagree I really didn't like his books and who says I can't write a book better. I can write better books, and I'm a touch younger than he is.(8 years)

Sure nothings origanal but what CP does Is completly copies from other people. I have no problem with a little borrowing here and their but making a whole world based on copies common. His dwarfs have got to be the most tolkein copied dwarfs I have ever seen. Their short, gruff, use axes, and have a great underground city. Raz'az are carbon copies of what: dark riders. His elves are copies of tolkiens, they come from a different land, immortal, dislike dwarves for no real rhyme or reason.

A boy of foggy origins lives with his uncle in a remote place of a vast empire headed by an evil Emperor and his right hand man, who was once prominent in an ancient order of guardians with mystical powers.

Through fate or luck, depending on your point of view, this boy comes into the possession of an object vital to a rebellion against the Empire; this object was inadvertently sent to him by a princess in the rebellion, who had attempted to send said object to an old man who once belonged to the same order of guardians as the Emperor’s right-hand man.

This boy seeks the old man to learn of the ways of this ancient order, but eventually has to return to his uncle’s farm, which, the boy finds, has been destroyed by fire, and his uncle killed. The boy then sets off with the old hermit, who also gives him a sword which belonged to his father. As they travel, they train. The boy meets up with a rogue who is full of surprises, but turns out to be fiercely loyal, for all his proclaimed selfishness. The boy also begins "seeing" a beautiful woman imprisoned and in need of help.

The boy decides that he needs to rescue her, even though he doesn't know her; further, he thinks of her only as beautiful (Luke's first words are, "Who is she? She's beautiful?" Eragon can't stop thinking about her beauty). Long story short, the old hermit dies to protect the boy, the boy and the rogue help the beautiful damsel escape.

They then set off to the rebellion to give important information and return the object which the princess had sent the boy. They were followed by the Empire, and prepare for a giant battle that will either save the rebellion or annihilate them.

The boy proves his worth with heroics during the battle, but his crowning achievement is his destruction of a noun of much power that has the ability to destroy lots of things. The boy is aided in this by one of his friends, who arrives at precisely the right moment.
The boy is lauded a hero.

The boy has a hallucination of a powerful master who can teach him more of the ancient order. The boy travels to the powerful master to learn the ways of the ancient order's mystical power. While there, he grows very powerful. While he is away, the Rebellion regroups in a new area.

Just when the boy is on a roll with his training, and has grown very powerful, he has a vision of his friends in great danger. He decides he must go to help them. His master warns him not to go. The boy promises that he will return. He leaves.

He finds his friends just in time and is able to distract the enemy so that his friends will remain safe. He finds out that his father was the right-hand man of the Emperor--his father was the one who betrayed the ancient order and helped kill them.

The boy is shocked and ultimately defeated, but not killed. He finds out that someone dear to him has been taken by evil people, and promises to find this person.

Now, is that the plot of Inheritance, or StarWars?

His characters are well not so emotinal. I never felt for his character in the way other books have made me feel. My heart never raced in his books on what will Happen. He didn't make me care for anything. Let see if you found out that your dad was an incredably(SP?) evil man how would you act. Sad, distraught. How does eragon act. Sad for like 3 seconds and get over it.

[color=darkred]But no...As he healed a man’s broken spine, a new way of viewing the situation occurred to him, one that restored a measure of his self-confidence: Morzan may be my parent, but he is not my father. Garrow was my father. He raised me. He taught me how to live well and honorably, with integrity. I am who I am because of him. Even Brom and Oromis are more my father than Morzan. And Roran is my brother, not Murtagh.
Eragon nodded, determined to maintain that outlook. Until then, he had refused to completely accept Garrow as his father. And even though Garrow was dead, doing so relieved Eragon, gave him a sense of closure, and helped to ameliorate his distress over Morzan.”

He has no feeling. Anyone would be crying to disstressed to help anyone. And CP obviously used the dictionary for this. Who honestly uses the word ameliorate

Another problem is the over use of Adj.

"Between these two rode a raven-haired elven lady, who surveyed her surroundings with poise. Framed by long black locks, her deep eyes shone with a driving force. Her clothes were unadorned, yet her beauty was undiminished. At her side was a sword, and on her back a long bow with a quiver. She carried in her lap a pouch that she frequently looked at, as if to reassure herself that it was still there. "

Our first introduction to the lovely Princess Arya. Putting aside the overly worshipful terms in which she is described, let us instead turn our attention to the number of unnecessary adjectives and over-descriptions in this paragraph. First of all, ‘raven-haired’ is immediately followed by a mention of ‘black locks’. Sorry… what colour was her hair again? The Epistler grows confused. Many of the other descriptive words simply make no sense. ‘Deep’ eyes? And how can someone survey their surroundings with ‘poise’? Poise refers to a way of holding oneself, but examining something only requires a person to move their eyes. And what, exactly, is a ‘driving force’? The next sentence is even worse – ‘unadorned’, followed by ‘undiminished’ in the same sentence. The two words, used together like this, are simply clumsy. Everything about this paragraph proclaims its writer to be young and inexperienced – similar prose can be found on with minimal effort.

I can at least say I admire you for writing a coherant statement about why you dissagree with my opinion.

June 29th, 2006, 12:52 am Profile
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When you get a book published and it becomes the top seller and makes the theaters, then we will talk, otherwise all that become irrelevant, and I wonder as to why you’re on this site. If you don't really like it and disagree so greatly as to why he has achieved what he has accomplished then why bother trying to tell us something that we all wont ever believe; It’s not worth your time, go ahead and think its stupid and move on to something else. Otherwise it just has the looks of jealousy even if that truly is not the case.

You can’t really compare anything. If you look back on mythology of the many cultures; token and the series of Star Wars isn’t original at all. Also, why is it that now-a-days people like to tare everything apart and not appreciate it for what it is? I also find the copyright of literature to be the joke of the century. Is really anything new? Nope…., just becomes culturally imposed to look as if it is.

“What was old yesterday could be new today, can really anyone say 'look this is new?'” ~Solomon (the wisest man that ever walked the earth to this day)

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June 29th, 2006, 5:01 am Profile
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The thing is I can be Just as good as a writer as CP but I won't get published. Why, my mom won't take my book and sell it. Thats the only reason his books where published. His Mom.

June 29th, 2006, 11:05 am Profile
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Well when I see your name in print, when you're independent enough not to rely on your mum to get your books published, and you really are as good as you conceitedly say, then I'll believe you.

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June 29th, 2006, 3:37 pm Profile
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As an adult, grandmother, mother and teacher, I can honestly say, all books spin off ideas. It's the way you are capable of relating and conveying those ideas which determine success or failure. It is not only these which make a good book, but having the ability to make readers delve deep into the characters you create, to the point of spurring love, hate, sympathy, indignation, outrage, compassion... I could go on forever. That's what makes a good writer. It's the way you weave your tale and present it to the audience.
We have great classical from which many other stories have been born; and are we to call them "copy cats" because of this? Will we diminish their story value because of this?

I have to laugh, because the great writers of long ago would certainly have a problem with Disney raking millions of dollars over stories of Myth and Legend such as Hercules, The Hunchback of Notre Dam, Pocahontas, Robin Hood, The Sword in the Stone, Alice in Wonderland and so many others I would not finish. Can you diminish then writers, who have spun their stories from the Legends of King Arthur? The “Count de Montecristo”?
How many more of these stories have been the source of inspirations for others to write something similar, yet different? As long as good and evil exists in the world there shall be need of books about heroes, no matter who writes them, they shall be similar but different.

My friend, as long as there are good books to read such as Eragon and others which promote the love of reading, the love of imagination, the love of adventure, we book lovers, shall read and determine if it is a good story or not and have the prerogative of liking them or not, and there is not a thing anyone can do about it.

Sad to say, the world is full of self appointed critics, who go to the extreme of censoring and burning books, but happily, it will not deter determined readers and writers alike.

Direct your contempt, criticism and energy into trying to accomplish something as big as Christopher Paolini’s feat. If you ever do accomplish it, I can categorically assure, you shall never fit his shoes, because he is humble, modest and thrives to learn to improve each passing day.




August 9th, 2006, 2:44 am Profile
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well, if by a different spin you mean a different view, then you are exactly right!!!! coz there was this book i read that had clay dragons that came to life in the imagination, and had their own little fire inside them which killed them if it went out, and in eragon, magic sapps a certain amount of energy that is relative to the task as if it was done by hand, whereas it is nothing like this in harry potter, and different still in another book!!!!

if you were wondering, the book that i was reffering to with the clay dragons is part of a series, and they all pretty much carry the same meaning. the books are called "icefire" "the fire within" and "fire star" which i haven't read. they are great books, and i think anyone who likes dragons would enjoy them.

whereas harry potter is just stupid, but i'm not saying i could write it better....... coz that's what this topic is all about!!!!! :D :D :D :D

wow, that really tested my touch-typing!!! :D

Arya Svit-kona wrote:

caterpillar SILVER I JUST NOTICED THE CHEST HAIR!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

The Lovable Silv wrote:
LOL Ranga, you cannot steal my position as "Bullspit artist" so stop being so sarcastic haha!! Jking of course..

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January 22nd, 2007, 9:23 am Profile
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Post Re: Works of Art
i agree with pete!! :D :D :D :D

i love eragon beacause hes a good person! He cares for each other even though he has a hard life...

June 24th, 2008, 2:23 pm Profile
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Post Re: Works of Art
Please don't spam.... Image
Rule 1F) wrote:
No short "Yes" or "No" or "I Agree/Disagree" posts or you will get a warning; for it is clearly just for raising your post count and a waste of time to read.


June 25th, 2008, 12:57 am Profile
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Post Re: Works of Art
srry i didnt know.

i love eragon beacause hes a good person! He cares for each other even though he has a hard life...

June 25th, 2008, 5:03 pm Profile
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Post Re: Works of Art
Like AnnieBee said, all good books are spinoffs of other ideas. Many of our books now are spinoffs of myths and legends, and many other books are spinoffs of those. Every book has some part of it or idea that has been written before, and every idea there has most likely been written before too. All new ideas will probably be written again, and the cycle continues on.

Therefore, it's hard to say any idea is truely original. Dragons and Riders are not new. Anne McCaffrey wrote the Dragon Riders of Pern series, and there are other books and legends dealing with Dragons and Riders. Many Dragons and Riders in Myths, Legends, and other books have had a shared mental bond. Again, It's in the Dragon Riders of Pern.

Alagaesia, however, is new. I don't think any other author wrote about a land named Alagaesia (feel free to prove me wrong on this, I don't have time to Google it because I need to go to school.). Another newer idea is the Urgals, although you may claim they are based off Minotaurs, though rather humanoid ones. Shades could be compared to scorcerers as the two are very similar, but they are original as well.

I'm trying to say that most paths in Eragon have been trasversed before. I know, the similarities between Eragon and Star Wars or LOTR or other series are incredible, but Eragon is original in the sense that there are new ideas in the series. Not every path in Eragon has been trasversed before, so it brings some new ideas into the web. Maybe these new ideas will later on become famous or well known in other series.

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