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 Two Voices In The Wind 
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New Peasant
New Peasant

Joined: August 13th, 2006, 8:15 pm
Posts: 26
Location: A State OF Mind
Post Two Voices In The Wind
On the evening of a new moon two children were born one of royalty and the other of a farming town. One was named Alexandra and the other John.nNow John was the son of the king of England in the year 1148 and Alexandra or Alexa for short was the daughter of a weaver and a farmer.

Alexa mother was consider the prettiest lady in town but not just for her looks. Her kind and loving nature. Alexa father grew the towns corn and had a few animals of his own. They were loved by all in the town but one woman Amela the town erbalist was very mad that Alexa mother was married to the man she loved so when Alexa was about four Amela took her mother in the shadows of the forest and stabed her with a gold handaled dagger then dragged the body to the river and threw it in. This horrid crime for none to see but the young cofused eyes of Alexa. Alexa ran to her father and tried to tell the story to him but Amela got to him just befor and had told a lie of the horrid tale. So the father thought of Alexas tale as confuse greef and sent the girl to bed. Then a month later Amela and Alexas father wed.

And Johns tale I'm sad to say is sad too for his older brother that he loved very much was was killed when he ate the food ment for his father and died by poison. Then johns father the only one in the family that really loved him was shot and killed by an assaiann of a neiboring kingdom.

Sorry for any miss spellings there probably a ton. Its not my best subject!! I hoped you liked it so far but I have to stop for now. :(

August 26th, 2006, 3:35 am Profile
Dragon Egg Carrier
Dragon Egg Carrier

Joined: June 21st, 2007, 7:47 pm
Posts: 151
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Post Re: Two Voices In The Wind
I loved it

June 28th, 2007, 9:47 pm Profile
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