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Joined: November 28th, 2005, 3:44 pm Posts: 10150 Location: England
Gender: Girl
Affiliation: Surdans
Dragon: Llyelia
(I don't think I've applied for him here before lol- he's going to only be used in the "Other Adventures" section, so he's not an Alagaesian- based character, I hope that's ok. I know Shade's seen him before lol, but I've added more detail on some parts.)
Name: Ohanzee
Age:- He appears to be roughly 20, but is actually around 80 years old. He doesn't count as the years go by, so he can never know exactly, but has a good concept of time, and makes a fairly accurate guess of this true age at 80 or so.
Gender: Male
Skills: Archery and tracking. He is also a good crafts-man, which is why he sometimes spends time making weapons and trinkets to sell when he can. His hunting skills are especially useful in the forest, where there is nearly nobody living and he has to find his own food.
-->Archery- Ohanzee has been trained in archery for as long as he can remember, whether by himself or with instruction with another centaur. In his early years, his father provided him with a bow and taught him how to whittle his arrow shafts. From that point onwards, he taught himself, and practices regularly.
-->Tracking and hunting- Again, another skill Ohanzee primarily taught himself. He learned how to follow animals by recognizing how he would conceal himself if here were being followed. Alongside basic instinct, this method has proved successful even in the deepest winter weather- providing enough for him and any companions to survive.
-->Crafting- This is the way Ohanzee ever makes money or trades if he needs something from a human. For example his quiver- for this he traded a finely sculpted charm- to "ward off the evils" of the forest surrounding that human village, and a set of his 15 finest goose feather quills (not that he usually writes anyway).
-->Magic- He doesn't use magic as such, but seems to have a knack for sensing unusual changes in his surroundings. For example, he can sense danger, or a magical being's presence as well as an approaching storm or when he is near a populated area. Unfortunately this talent can't give him exact details, such as who is approaching, or what exactly the danger is.
-->Language(s)- He speaks the human language which is shared with centaurs, yet with a thick centurion accent. He has had no opportunity to learn any others, but he is sure that would be useful if he were ever to encounter one who does not speak his language- reasoning can often prevent hostility. It's hard to reason when you don't have a clue what the opposition is saying.
Race: Centaur
Hair: His tail and hair are dark black. Ohanzee's head hair is kept just shorter than shoulder length, and is fairly straight. Whenever it gets too long, he simply cuts it with a dagger, which is why it's not too neat, but never scruffy or dirty either. His fur is a deep shade of chestnut, a cross between brown and very dark red, possibly even with a hint of black. He has no facial hair, except sometimes a slight 5 'o' clock shadow, which again, he shaves with a small dagger or knife.
Eyes: His eyes match the colour of his fur, but the shadows of the forest usually make it hard to pick out the multitude of tones, and are therefore normally perceived as dark brown.
Home Village: He has had a few places which some might call home- but always concealed in the forest. The first was where he was born with his parents, the second with a herd of colts when he was young, and the third was where he treasured most- his own herd. Since losing them, he has stayed in the forest, never settling down properly.
Parents: He only spent the first few years of his life with his parents. They were strong, proud and secretive centaurs. His father was name Uziel- meaning strength or power, and his mother Luan, meaning warrior.
Siblings: He knows of none, but it is possible that his parents had more children after he left home.
Character Personality: Ohanzee is fairly solitary, although he was a strong and powerful leader once. After losing leadership of his herd along with his mate, he withdrew into himself, and remained alone whilst searching for his lover. After such a loss, his spirit broke. He still keeps to himself mostly, but doesn't shy away from entering a town or showing himself if trading needs to be done. Ohanzee uses logic and reason to judge a situation, and so he is not the type to show off, nor hide like a coward. He is naturally wary of strangers because of his caution, possibly an effect of losing all that was dear to him. He is especially careful around those powerful in magic, but wouldn't back out of a fight or flee at the first sign of a threat. However, he would never go the opposite way and be stupidly confident so as to put himself in deliberate danger. He walks a fine line, which would have a terrible effect of falling either way. Once he has made a decision, Ohanzee will stand his ground, and not allow himself to be swayed. He will do anything within his limits to reach that goal, which is why it is so important for him to think over his decisions before he acts. This way, whatever he sets his heart on is usually achieved through the combination of common sense and sheer determination. Ohanzee will hold those he loves close to his heart, and is not afraid to face death (or worse) for their sake. Weaknesses/fears- He is a poor swimmer, but not completely unable. He knows not of any fears, but is nervous around fire, as more forest creatures are. However, when he can keep it under control, Ohanzee is fine with it.
Character History: Ohanzee's past is confusing. He was born in the depths of the forest and his parents gave him the name Ohanzee, meaning shadow. He spent the first few years of his life with them, but most centaurs choose to leave and fend for themselves around the vulnerable age of 6 or 7. He left early in his 6th year, eager to establish his place in the world. He spent around 4 years with a herd of colts like himself, and always aspired to do something for the good of the herd. However, he never really made any bonds with his companions there, and soon left in search of a way to fulfill his ambition. He spent another 5 or so years wandering the forest and settling alone in an odd few places, constantly training his mind and body- philosophy, sense and fighting skills came into use in his later life. Eventually, he came across a slightly larger herd of adults, and they accepted him. Here, he managed to improve his skills of hunting and crafting, and spent a portion of his life there. He set up his place in the herd as a craftsman, and provided his companions with sturdy weapons. Ohanzee left out of choice at about 30 in search of a mate, and possibly a higher place in another herd. He found a small herd dominated by females, and settled down with a beautiful snow white mare named Callidora. He soon worked his way up the ranks through his broad range of skills, and the herd could see his morals were strong and true. Eventually he was appointed herd leader, and together he and Callidora had a child, which they decided to name Theron if it were a boy, Fayola for a girl. However, before Callidora could give birth, strange people came determined to capture a centaur- the slave trade had broadened it's horizons. Ohanzee was torn apart from Callidora, and never found her again. Though it pained him to abandon his duty, he left the herd forever wondering if his mate was alive, and if he had a child somewhere. After searching fruitlessly for her for over two decades, he regretfully returned to a lonely life on the edge of the forest, sometimes venturing into towns to trade, after centaur capture and slavery had been made illegal.
Weapons: He uses a beautiful bow (crafted by himself) made of strong deer antler (from a stag which had dropped it after the spring). He carries his own arrows, made from perfectly whittled wood and tipped with flint, in a cow-hide quiver bought in a sparsely populated village. His favourite flight for his arrows is probably goose feather, but he needs to trade for those in villages or towns, so often he will use pheasant feather instead to make his own, which can be found more commonly in the forest.
Likes: Ohanzee enjoys thinking. It might sound strange, but just sitting and thinking for an hour a day can have a huge benefit for him. It clears up problems he faces, increases his logic, and is a good stress reliever. Of course, he also enjoys practicing and improving his skills like archery or hunting.
Dislikes: Loss. Of course everyone hates to lose somebody they love, but it scarred Ohanzee for life. He is subconsciously over protective of any he is close to for fear of losing them.
Animal Companions: He doesn't have any companions, but used to wander around alongside a herd.
Character's Physical Description: As with all centaurs, he has the torso and legs of a horse. This stops around the navel, where the fur thins before disappearing completely, and becoming the torso of a man. He also has the arms and head of a human, so in effect he possesses six limbs in total. He is of normal weight and fitness, but when food is short in supply, he may become slightly skinnier as is usual among any creature. Ohanzee's fur is a deep shade of chestnut, a cross between brown and very dark red. His tail is raven black, and his hair matches this. He has no facial hair, except sometimes a slight 5 'o' clock shadow around the chin. He has no need for clothes, but carries his bow and arrows over the shoulder if he feels it is necessary. He also has the knowledge to stitch cloaks, so if the winter is a particularly bitter one, he might make time to craft one for himself or any companions.
Dreams for the Future: Ohanzee feels his soul purpose is to find Callidora someday. He lessened his searching after 20 years simply to save himself from exhaustion or madness, but he never truly gave up.
Reason for Dreams: He lost his one and only lover, and until he finds her, he can never truly be at peace, or relieve the guilt which has been cramming itself down his throat for nearly 50 years.
Alignment/side: He takes no part in politics, but has held a grudge against humans for nearly half a century. However, he never acts on this prejudice, because he realises that one or two people can't represent their whole race.
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